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In November 2024, we attended an ACHD meeting where they spoke about their winter operations for 2024/2025. Below I’m including their presentation. If you have questions feel free to contact ACHD.

ACHD Winter Ops 2024-2025 Outreach Presentation

On December 17,2024 the City of Star had their City Council Meeting where they discussed potentially adding a new city code regarding snow removal. It did not pass. They opted to following ACHD ordinance code.

To view the agenda and recording of the meeting Click Here

Where Snow Crews Go First

ACHD uses a priority system to determine the roads that need to be cleared first. While residential streets are important, main roads are prioritized because of higher traffic volume and safety concerns. Priority one roads include:

  • Arterial and collector roads
  • Major intersections
  • Overpasses and bridges
  • Areas around hospitals and fire stations
  • School and railroad crossings
  • Streets with grades (steepness) over six percent

Priority two includes school bus routes as identified by the public-school districts.

Priority three includes residential streets, including cul-de-sacs.

Check out our route maps for a better understanding of our priority areas during winter weather events.



ACHD Snow Removal Flyer


Winter Roadways Anti-Icing

Anti-icing techniques involve the application of liquid magnesium chloride to roadways and bridges which helps prevent snow or ice from bonding to the pavement. The application greatly reduces black ice and slippery conditions.

When below freezing weather is eminent, ACHD applies magnesium chloride on priority routes. The magnesium chloride not only aids in preventing ice, it can also melt existing ice on streets. ACHD also uses road salt which melts snow and ice, and when combined with sand adds traction for motorists.

Benefits of Anti-Icing

Makes travel safer.
Anti-Icing, when applied prior to the storm onset, keeps snow from adhering and ice from forming on the roadways.

Maintenance costs are reduced, saving taxpayer dollars.
Use of Anti-Icing agent greatly reduces the use of sand and road salt. This not only saves on the cost of materials, fewer crew hours are required for sweepers to clean the roadways. Anti-icing materials placed on wet roads become diluted and ineffective and therefore have to be reapplied throughout the storm.

Less impact to cars, pavement, and roadside landscaping.
While ACHD purchases materials treated with corrosion inhibitors, it is still a good idea to wash your car often in the winter months to prevent potential corrosion.

Better for the environment.
Sand used during winter maintenance will be swept by the Broom Crew as soon as conditions allow. Removing the sand from the roadway decreases sediment runoff to the storm drain system and downstream waterways and reduces airborne dust generated as the sand breaks down.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact ACHD.


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